Get on track early to launch yourself into a fulfilling and prosperous career.
A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship can assist you to make informed decisions about the career direction you’d like to take once you complete your schooling. By trying out a particular industry while you are still at school, you’ll have a good idea whether or not it is for you.
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships can be delivered in two formats. The traditional approach is to attend high school for four days per week and your chosen workplace one day per week. This enables you to complete up to 25 per cent of your apprenticeship or traineeship while also completing your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The alternate approach is to complete up to 45 per cent of your apprenticeship or traineeship while also completing your QCE. Under this option students go out to work on a four week rotating basis.
There are thousands of school-based apprenticeships and traineeships available across Queensland. Learn more below.